On Line Or Desktop Property Management Software?}

On-line or Desktop Property Management Software?


Amer Siddiq

On the very rare occasion we get asked whether our landlord software packages work over the internet.

We answer No and then go on to explain why our property management software solutions are desktop-based and not internet based solutions.

The fact is that when we put the question to our customers, over 90% said they wanted to continue with a desktop property management software solution and here are the top three reasons why:


1.Property is your business and just like you dont keep your other business transactions/details on-line, you dont want to keep your property business transactions/details on-line either. It is clear to us that the vast majority of landlords feel very uncomfortable about keeping their property transactions, mortgage details, supplier details, tenant details, etc.. On-line in any landlord software package. In other words, they are concerned about internet security issues.

2.Reliance on internet connection : Landlords dont want to have to rely on an internet connection to access details of their property business. Most landlords now have both a laptop and desktop, so having the software installed on a laptop means you can get access to the software whenever you want, wherever you are.

For example you could be outside, in a hotel (where internet access rates are always extortionate) or in any area where there is limited or remote access and still get access to your solution.

3.Dont like pay as you use model. On-line usually means that a monthly fee is paid to access the software. This means that if the fee is not paid, the software cannot be accessed at all! In other words, you never own your software! with a desktop solution the customer can purchase the software outright and it is therefore unlocked for your permanent use with no need to pay ongoing fees.

About Property Portfolio Software :

Property Portfolio Softwares flagship property management software product Landlords Property Manager tracks all property-related income and expenditure and helps landlords to get better organised. If you want easy to use landlord software that will help you to get better organised and slash your accountancy and legal fees then try our landlord solutions today.

Property Portfolio Software provides property management software and

landlord software

that is designed by landlords for landlords. Our UK leading

property management software

solutions are guaranteed to save you time, money and effort in running all aspects of your property business.

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On-line or Desktop Property Management Software?}