An Insight Into Uk Unemployment Rates

Submitted by: Harry Jackson

A new study conducted into the latest unemployment rates in the UK brings with it the welcomed news that rates are indeed falling. However, the amount of people claiming for Jobseeker s Allowance went up by 700 people between February and March of 2011 to a massive total of 1.45 million.

With so many facts and figures swirling around, let s take a clear look at the UK s unemployment rates in 2011:

The amount of people in employment aged 16 upwards went up by 143,000 in the three months leading to February, 2011

Full time employment rates for the same period rose by 140,000 to hit 21.30 million

The amount of people who remained unemployed in the UK for a period of up to 12 months dropped by 29,000 to hit 1.63


In contrast, the amount of people who remained unemployed for more than 12 months went up by 11,000 to hit 847,000

These encouraging new figures also show that employment rates for UK residents aged 16-64 was 0.2% up on the previous three month period that ran from August to November. The amount of people who remain unemployed in the UK dropped by an impressive 17,000, to hit a low of 2.48 million.

Men vs. Women

There are some interesting statistics floating around in the classic man vs. women debate and here are some of the most noteworthy:

The amount of women in full time employment rose to 7.65 million (up 45,000)

The amount of men in full time employment rose to 13.65 million (up 95,000)

The number of women who are unemployed actually rose by 14,000 to hit 1.03 million

The amount of men who are unemployed dropped by 31,000 to hit 1.45 million.

Female claimants of Jobseeker s Allowance increased by 5,100 to 462,300 but the amount of male claimants went down by 4,400 to 988,200.Female claimants of Jobseeker s Allowance increased by 5,100 to 462,300 but the amount of male claimants went down by 4,400 to 988,200. These figures for the amount of females claiming Jobseeker s Allowance is the highest since October 2006 and while the amount of male claimants has impressively fallen consistently for 14 months, the number of female claimants has unfortunately risen every month for the last nine months.

Moving Forward

So, what can you do if you want a job but you can t seem to find one?

Firstly, there are a few things that you can do. You can join an online agency that will help to place you in a suitable job or you can visit a local job centre that advertises numerous new jobs in your area. With 482,000 job vacancies available from January 2011 to March 2011, there are jobs available.With 482,000 job vacancies available from January 2011 to March 2011, there are jobs available. If you are stuck in a financial rut and you need help then same day loans may be a great way to give you the helping hand that you so desperately need.

If you are hunting for a job and need some immediate financial help, there are plenty of places online to find debt management advice and support to help you through this difficult time.

About the Author: Harry Jackson has been writing articles professionally since long time. He loves to write about debt management advice. Check out his latest website article which discusses and reviews about Get out of debt.visit us at…


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