1500 Calorie Meal Plan: Strategies For Success

1500 Calorie Meal Plan: Strategies for Success


A Aaronson

If you’ve been regularly eating more than 2,000 calories a day, switching to a 1500 calorie meal plan won’t be easy. At least, not at first. Those who regularly consume a great deal of food often have little familiarity with the concept of being hungry. They eat when they are bored, when they want to feel better, or-most often-simply because they want to. But this method of eating doesn’t work for everyone. In many cases, it can lead to becoming overweight, which can create a myriad of problems in and of itself. If you’re ready to send the scale in the other direction, here are some strategies that can help you succeed.


Cut Your Portions What we consider an appropriate portion of food in the Western world is often much more than we should really be eating in a single sitting. Much mockery has been made of food products and their “recommended serving sizes”. We see it as a way to sneakily advertise food as being less calorically dense than it really is. While this is somewhat true, the reality is that these suggested serving sizes are often much closer to what we should actually be eating than what we might see as an appropriate portion size. If you want to succeed at a 1500 calorie meal plan, your first order of business should be cutting down the amount of food you eat at one meal. Be Creative One of the most common strategies used by a new dieter is to cut nearly all foods out of their diet and simply make a 1500 calorie meal plan using chicken breasts, diet soda, and oatmeal. That can work well…for about a week. Then you start getting bored. You begin feeling deprived, which can lead to certain downfall. You don’t have to box yourself in. With portion control, you can enjoy nearly anything and still stay on the path to weight loss. Make particular use out of fruits and vegetables, as many of these are calorically sparse, which means you can eat more of them. Get a Support Network You’re certainly not the only person in history who has attempted to lose weight. A quick Google search will show you a vast network of message boards dedicated to the very topic. Join up, or just lurk if you feel more comfortable reading than participating. Look for others trying to make a 1500 calorie meal plan work and find out what tips they have to offer. With an array of tips, recipes, and progress reports, you’ll never feel like you have to take this difficult journey on your own.

Looking to lose weight? Learn more about

1500 calorie meal plan




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1500 Calorie Meal Plan: Strategies for Success